Considering using PPC to generate targeted traffic to your website? If so then now is as good a time as ever thanks to the free offer Google Ads are offering to all new accounts. Simply sign up and spend £400 in the first 60 days and you will receive £400 in FREE Ad credit. There’s no catch and you have total control over your budget and spend at all times.
This Google free £400 Ad credit offer is only available to new Google accounts and not existing campaigns sadly. If you have thought about using PPC before but been hesitant due to concerns then now is the perfect time to trial Google Ads. What’s more, the team here at LogicBarn Digital can set up targeted and structured campaigns to help you get started and make the most of the free £400 Ad credit. See an example below of a live advert:

With Google Ads your website and business will show up when people search for exactly the products or services you offer. Placing your business directly in front of them in search results at a point they are looking to perform an action, be it sale, purchase, enquiry or quote. What’s more, you have total control over your campaigns including the following:
- Daily spend
- Areas you target
- Day and times your adverts are live
- What devices you appear on
- What keywords your advert appears for
- Where they visit on your website
- What telephone number they call
- What your advert says
- How much you bid per click
Basically, you set an amount you would pay for a click on your advert and one visitor to your website for your chosen keyword. So, if you sell pink wellies then each time someone types in “pink wellies” into Google your advert will appear and if they click on your advert to your website you are charged the amount you have set, for example 80p, hence the term pay per click. You ONLY pay when someone visits your website not when they just view your advert.
LogicBarn can set up your account and campaigns to get the most from your Ad spend and the Free £400 Google Ads gives you. Speak to a member of the team today, email us at or telephone us on 0303 223 0110.